Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Agility and the British climate

The British [UK] climate always makes outdoor events somewhat of a challenge!

When people have to travel to qualifying events for agility or flyball shows they often stay in camper vans or caravans [even tents]... so far this spring the weather hasn't been kind.

But a wet and windy winter and spring is often followed by a dry period - well we can hope, can't we [or dream]. Events take place despite the weather and it's great to be enjoying our sport even with the extra challenge provided by the UK climate.

With the extra fear of slips and sprains on wet ground, is now a good time to look at your pet insurance?

I have heard very good reports regarding:-

They take on older dogs and pay your vet direct... at least this is what I have been led to believe. I'm going to check it out further, and may even change over to them as a pet insurance for our seven year old RR.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


What have Tigers got to do with Dog Agility Training?

The short answer to the question posed in our title is... NOTHING! But please bear with me and read on...

Make the Tiger Trade ban Permanent

If you care about wildlife in general, and tigers in particular please visit the two different page links [above, and below] now...

Below, also, is a quote from one of the web pages which these links point to -

"Tiger numbers have decreased dramatically in recent decades due to poaching to supply the illegal trade in tiger parts, used in traditional medicines, as clothing for cultural ceremonies and as decorative objects such as rugs.

It is illegal markets in China which drive most tiger poaching and illegal trade. To its credit, China has taken many steps to stem this problem; however, its commitment to ending tiger trade is now wavering."

the Illegal Tiger Trade must end

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Friday, April 18, 2008


Sit, Stay, and Fetch

Are you new to Agility Training? Are you just considering it for your young dog or bitch as they are so full of spare energy?

If so, remember that they must be OBEDIENT before they can begin Agility Training.

Check out the link below for a fantastic free course, then sign up for the weekly newsletters and buy the book - you won't regret it! You will have a useful resource which you can go to when any problems occur, other people will comment on your super-obedient dog and even ask your advice. It's good PR for dogs in general and also for you personally!

SitStayFetch: Dog Training

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