Tuesday, May 29, 2007
NOTE:- there are some unscrupulous breeders out there who are trying to pass off RR's which aren't the correct colour as "rare, or correct". If you are wanting to show your RR, then it must be of show standard colour. The correct colours are from Light Wheaten to Red Wheaten. No black, or black and tan like a doberman.
Ears and nose of those dogs with dark brown eyes will be dark to black, whereas dogs with paler eyes may have liver noses and lighter ears. Some white on paws and the front of the chest is permissible.
Dogs which do not conform to these strict standards should only be sold as pets, should not be bred from, cannot be shown, and should be registered as a non-standard colour - their purchase price should reflect this.
Are RR's suitable for Agility? Yes they can do it... BUT be prepared for them to succeed at all the elements, [as long as well bribed with food] but once they have found they can do everything, they will easily become bored and set off in search of more food or a new challenge [usually to do with food]!
UK dog owners beware the power of your local council
New laws are being stealthily introduced by some of your local Councils. You NEED, as a dog owner, to know about this.
Go to this Kennel Club News Item now. On the resulting page you will find details of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 - which came into force on April 6th, 2007 - amongst a raft of detail remember this item. It states that you should provide your dog with 'the ability to exhibit normal behaviour patterns'.
Dogs like to run free, that's a normal behaviour pattern!
Next we come to the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 which gives an inordinate number of powers to your local Council. Some of the laws pertaining to cleaning up after your dog are only basic common sense, and every responsible dog owner cleans up anyway... but some powers, in regard to dogs being kept on leads, appear to flout the Animal Welfare Act.
Problems could be ahead!
Find out your local Council's policy... you will find a fine selection of information and assistance on the webpage mentioned above... check it out NOW.
Labels: Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, council power
Sunday, May 27, 2007
FCI Agility World Championships and... Make sure your pets get their chips!
This years Championships are to be held in Norway at the end of September... 28th - 30th.
For more info go to AgilityNet.
An extra item to take note of, is that tail docking is illegal in Norway, and dogs with docked tails cannot compete over there.
Just one more mention... make sure your pets get their chips.
Micro-chips that is!
Labels: agility world championships 2007, chips, Norway
Friday, May 25, 2007
Blog Promotion, plus doggy blood doners and transfusions
When your pet is ill and he or she requires an operation have you ever thought about the fact that they may need a blood transfusion? If this is the case, blood of the correct type needs to be available.
So let's give a thought, and many thanks, to the doggy blood doners and their proud owners!
Further than that, if this is thought provoking to you, and if you think your pet could cope with being a blood doner... then why not discuss it with your vet, find out about the procedure, and the dynamics in your area.
Labels: blog promotion, blood doner, doggy blood doner, transfusions
Monday, May 21, 2007
Have you read about PetAlive on our blogs?
The following quote gives you details of what code to enter... just click the link in our left-hand margin and quote that special code!
"To assist you with using alternative and complementary medicine for your health, we are presenting to you this coupon for an ADDITIONAL 20% off any order at Native Remedies or PetAlive.com. Place any order with us by May 31, 2007 and receive an extra 20% off the entire order.
To receive the discount special offer, simply enter summer20 (no spaces) in the Customer Code field in the shopping cart, and then press the Submit button (don't forget to press SUBMIT!), and you will receive the discount."

Labels: herbal remedies, May madness, natural remedies, PetAlive
Friday, May 18, 2007
Dog charities, organisations, and PDSA PetCheck
But, click on any of the other pages which take your fancy, and you'll find lots of doggy facts, plus amusing trivia.
Now a reminder for UK pet owners - that the PDSA PetCheck bus is touring the country in a bid to try to improve the health of the nation's pets.
Dogs are the main focus, but other popular pets are covered too. Dogs get a free health check which will cover general health - they check teeth, eyes, condition of coat, and weight.
Sadly, last year's PetCheck revealed that obesity in dogs had increased to over a fifth of the dogs checked, and dental problems had also increased dramatically.
If you want to find out further information on the PDSA PetCheck initiative see The PDSA Website
[Spread the word if you are able, it will help so many unfit pets!]
There is much interesting and useful information on the PDSA website - the shops, volunteering, fundraising, online shops - what I found most interesting is that they do a PDSA Pet Insurance, and it sounds as if it is really comprehensive. A good way to help the PDSA and your pet.
[This post, in one form or another, is appearing on all our doggy blogs today, to give it as wide an exposure as possible!]
Labels: dog charities, PDSA PetCheck, pet charities, pet organisations
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Have you ever checked out our 'Doggy Blog Clips'?
You'll find the link in the left-hand margin. Check it out!
Labels: dog agility, doggy blog clips
Monday, May 14, 2007
57 Posts! ... Sounds a bit like 'Heinz 57' ...
Dog Agility Training is our title, and those posts which are most on-topic are, as is the way with blogs, those which are furthest back in our 'Archives'.
By way of a recap let's go way back to February and the beginning of this blog. If you want an introduction to Dog Agility training then how about a list of what you can find in the February Archives...
Friday, Feb. 16th saw us 'Introducing Dog Agility'
Saturday, Feb. 17th told 'How Dog Agility rounds are Judged'
Monday, Feb. 19th had a 'List of Obstacles used for Dog Agility'
Tuesday, Feb. 20th explained 'Which Breeds of dog are suited to Dog Agility'
Wednesday, Feb. 21st told of the beginnings of agility in 'Dog Agility, when, where, and how it first began'
Thursday, Feb. 22nd gave details of 'Injuries incurred whilst performing Dog Agility'
Friday, Feb. 23rd explained 'Basic obedience training... before Dog Agility Training'
Saturday, Feb. 24th explained how best to use treats in 'Tips on treats for training'
Sunday, Feb. 25th saw an article on 'How to start your pet in Agility'... the article also contained some extremely useful addresses.
Labels: 57 posts, archives, dog agility training, heinz 57, obedience training
Friday, May 11, 2007
Promoting your blog. Do YOU have a blog, or are you considering one?
SO helpful!
Promoting your blog in all the right places... and just think of all the time it saves. Who in their right mind wants to use useless links?
Just check everything out here first.
Click NOW to visit
Try this useful link too... Blog Flux Directory
Labels: blog directory, blog promotion, promoting your blog
Pet Portraits
On the back of our Spring/Summer 2007 copy of Rhodesian Ridgeback today [which is the official newsletter of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain] there are three delightful 'Pets in Pastel' miniature portraits by Jodi Davies.
She will do them from your favourite [must be sharp] pet photos [not just dogs] and they can come from... as small as 8 x 6, right up to A1 size. International orders are accepted, just check the website.
As her blurb says - "Why not give the perfect gift, or create a beautiful memory of your loved one to treasure? ... Gift Vouchers available - A very special present."
The website can be accessed here... Pet Portraits in Pastel
As a 'by the way' her three miniature portraits on the back of our newsletter are beautiful, far more impressive than the website!
[P.S. Please don't think I have any affiliation with the website - I don't gain anything by advertising it here - it was just that I saw them, and thought how delightful they were; really capturing the true essence of those particular dogs.]
Labels: pet photographs, pet portraits, pets in pastel, portraits, rhodesian ridgeback
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Summer hazards like allergies and skin cancer
Whilst you are at the site remember to sign up for their excellent Newsletter. The current edition has details of heatstroke, together with the usual warnings, which can never be over-stressed.
[Even if we know of the hazards of leaving our pets in a car... there will always be someone who ignores the warnings - and causes untold suffering.]
The Newsletter also has helpful articles on other summertime risks, like allergies - plus further current information on the pet food recall scares.
If you have a pet with pale or white ears remember to put sunscreen on them before allowing them out into the sun... they may think it undignified, and try to get out of it, but better safe than sorry!
Many white cats have had to have part of their ears removed because of skin cancer.
Labels: allergies, heatstroke, pet food recall, skin cancer, summer hazards, sunscreen
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
BSD Agility World Championships
As a matter of interest... did you know that 'Wellard' from Eastenders...
1) Isn't a German Shepherd [Alsatian], but a Belgian
2) Isn't a male, as in Eastenders
3) Is an accomplished exponent of Agility
4) Has progeny [Minka] performing at the Dog Agility World Championships
Labels: BSD Agility World Championship, dog agility world championships, Eastenders, Wellard
Pet Food Safety and the DeLauro Durbin Food Safety Act
Link to Newsletter
The link above, and at the bottom of this post is to the actual newsletter, from which the quoted information stems!
If you live in America AND you care about the safety of the pet food which is sold for your pets consumption - please click one of the links, and take the advised actions as soon as possible.
Why not do as the email suggests, and take Action for Pet Food Safety? Do it now, whilst you remember? There have been so many scares and alerts in the media over the past months that confidence is ebbing - and not so slowly!
Now for the quote...
"Pets are part of our families, and millions of American families were shocked by the recent pet food recalls. The deaths of pets from tainted pet food tragically demonstrate the need for greater oversight of this industry. Fortunately, Congress is listening, and you can take action here.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) introduced the Pet and Human Food Safety Act on May 1 to provide more oversight and regulation of the food industry. In a remarkable demonstration of how important this issue is, the U.S. Senate approved a Durbin amendment on pet and human food safety on May 2 -- just one day after the bill was introduced -- by a resounding vote of 94 to 0!
You can help make the food supply safer.
Make a short polite phone call to your U.S. Representative and urge support for the DeLauro/Durbin Pet and Human Food Safety Act. Click here to look up your Representative and the phone number.
Making a call is easy. A staff member will take your message and pass it to your legislator. When you call, you can say:
"Hello my name is [your name] and I'm calling from [your town and state] to urge [Representative's name] to support the DeLauro/Durbin Pet and Human Food Safety Act (H.R. 2108/S. 1274). The ongoing pet food recall has revealed that there is very little regulation of the pet food industry. We need to change this to ensure that the food consumers are feeding their pets is wholesome and safe. Thank you."
After you make your call, send a follow up email in support of safer pet food.
Tell your friends how they can help. The more people who contact Congress, the more support this legislation will receive and the better its chances of being quickly passed into law.
Here are some details on what the pet food bill will do:
Help regulate the industry by establishing mandatory processing and ingredient standards and requiring more inspections of pet food processing plants.
Create an early warning system to help identify possible contaminants earlier and penalize companies that don't report possible contamination.
Ensure that any future recalls are conducted quickly by giving the Food and Drug Administration the power to order mandatory recalls of tainted food.
As a Humane Society of the United States supporter, I know I can count on you to take action and help move this important legislation forward. Thank you for all you do on behalf of animals.
Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States
P.S. This legislation is an important first step toward a safer pet food supply. But in the meantime, be sure your pets are protected. Check our Pet Food Safety Center for the latest information on recalled pet foods.
Link to Newsletter
[You could also use one of the links in our margin, or check out previous posts in the archives, to find recipes for homemade meals and safe alternative health cures and information... you will find information on this blog... plus other and different information and resources on our other blogs at... first Secrets of Dog Training , then Flyball Dogs, and last, but not least, Puppy Training Secrets.]
P.S. - *You will find this post on all our 'Doggy Blogs' today, just to give it as much publicity as possible!
Labels: DeLauro, DeLauro/Durbin, Durbin, food safety act, Pet and Human Food Safety Act, pet food inductry, pet food safety
Saturday, May 5, 2007
The UnderDog Show results, review, and updates
I am including live links to these two websites at the bottom of this post. DO check them out!
The tasks set for the UnderDog Show Final were an Agility course and a freestyle dance routine.
The three finalists had to complete these tasks, and were then marked by the 3 judges [Annie, Kay, and Peter]... the public then rang in to choose their favourite [public vote accounting for 50% of the total vote]. When the two sets of votes were added together the top two dogs were to do a 'head to head' final 'dance off' in the results show later the same evening.
Both Selina Scott and Chump, trained by Steve Mann, and Julia Sawalha and Cookie - whose trainer was Dima - completed both tasks very succussfully, and received compliments and high marks from the judges... with Chump just in the lead.
Casper and Huey, on the other hand, received very low marks from the judges; their Agility wasn't good, and they didn't even attempt the dance task. So, when it came to the update show, and the results of both the public and the judges scores were combined... with Casper coming second, the 'dance off' was a bit of a non-event!
After the final voting... Chump with Selina, very deservedly, won the trophy. As a young dog, of only about 16 months, Chump did brilliantly - managing to concentrate exceptionally well. All credit to both Selina and Steve.
What has happened to the dogs?
Well, three dogs went home with their celebrity trainers - the other five, after much heart-searching, could not be re-homed with their respective celebrities [other commitments precluded that] so they went up for adoption. Happily they have all found homes... I hope this publicity has also helped re-home many more Dogs Trust dogs.
The BBC Breakfast show was the place chosen for the hand-over of Chump to his new owner. Both Steve and Selina came with Chump - who is such an affectionate dog - and we heard that Chump is to live in Cornwall where he will have access to fields and be able to run free.
His new owner's previous dog had died at about the same time as Chump was born, and was of the same kind of breed type... so it sounds as if Chump will have a happy new life.
Now for the all-important addresses to those informative and fascinating websites which I promised...
UnderDog Show (1)
UnderDog Show (2) - with delightful pictures!
Please, visit both sites... you'll miss out if you don't, as they are complimentary to each other!
Labels: Chump and Selina, Cookie and Julia, Dima, Huey and Caspar, Judge Annie, Judge Kay, Judge Peter, professional dog trainers, Steve Mann, Underdog Show
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Save wolves... NOW
No 'Dog Agility Training' information today... instead I'm going to give this blog over to an e-mail I received today from the Defenders org... please read the quote from their e-mail below and then click over, with the link at the bottom, to their website...
"We have just one week left to prevent the slaughter of hundreds of wolves in the Northern Rockies. Unless we stop them, federal officials could eliminate vital protections for these magnificent animals and spark the biggest wolf massacre in the lower 48 state to occur in decades.
Wolves were eliminated from this area in the last century -- trapped, poisoned, hunted and harassed. Their re-introduction to Yellowstone National Park and Central Idaho in the mid-1990s was a major conservation accomplishment.
Now that achievement is at risk as officials in Idaho and Wyoming gear up to kill hundreds of wolves.
In February, officials in the Bush/Cheney Administration proposed removing gray wolves in the Northern Rockies from the Endangered Species List… and turning over management of wolves to Idaho and Wyoming -- two states more concerned with eliminating wolves than managing them.
Lawmakers and anti-wolf extremists in Idaho and Wyoming have already announced plans to kill hundreds of wolves, putting the gray wolf’s future in the American West at risk.
More than 111,000 Defenders supporters have already taken action. Please help us reach our 200,000 signature goal by May 9th.
Help save wolves.
There are just 8 days remaining in the public comment period on this awful proposal. Please take action now!
PLEASE visit The Defenders Org NOW!
Labels: dog agility training, save wolves, yellowstone
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