Tuesday, April 24, 2007


UnderDog Show Final

For UK TV viewers... don't forget the final of the UnderDog Show! You'll find it on BBC2 tomorrow - 25th April - at 8 p.m.

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Sunday, April 22, 2007


Julian Clary - The UnderDog Show

The UnderDog Show semi final compered by Julian Clary with Valerie his dog was quite an eventful show!

For those who missed it, there were two rounds which the dogs and handlers had to negotiate... one was based mostly on the Agility discipline, the other an obedience trial.

All the dogs bar one, Robson with Mishal Husain, failed miserably at the 'obedience' trial. Robson came out top by a very high margin with the judges, who were totally right, yet it was poor Robson who was eliminated when the public vote was taken into consideration, and he is now looking for a good home!

Some of the poor performances in the obedience could be forgiven... as Cookie was distracted by something which really upset him outside the ring, and totally fixated upon it, nothing else mattered to him, though a reasonable performance had preceded this distration!

The rehearsal, complete with food distraction was Chumps undoing... food was the only thing on his mind on the live show.

But Casper disgraced himself by taking the food and biting both Huey and the trainer who tried to take it from him... he will need some kind, yet firm handling, and to learn who is top dog in whatever home he finds after the programme is over.

It was good to hear that there are 10 prospective homes on the cards for Ginger who went out in the third edition of the show... he was a lovely friendly dog who deserves to find a loving home. I was very sad to see Anton and Ginger eliminated so early on as Anton had had no previous experience, yet showed an empathy and understanding which many people never seem to attain.

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Friday, April 20, 2007


Health Products and YOUR freedoms

Just a thought... if you have a blog about dogs [or cats] yourself, a good way to spread the word about natural health remedies and make a little income as well is to become an affiliate for... Native Remedies Affiliate and Earn 25% Commissions!

I feel much happier promoting something which is natural, rather than the chemicals and artificial drugs which the drug companies promote to all health professionals.

Both for humans and pets drug companies try to ensure that they are the only ones allowed to sell and distribute 'health products'.

[We won't go into the underhand ways they try to get remedies which have been available for thousands of years banned as untested and unsafe... or the drugs which have been kept on the market even though they receive worrying results in regard to their safety... no, best not to dwell on these facts. I, and many others, would get too incensed, especially as all those wise people who want to alert the unknowing public to these facts are being threatened and generally gagged.]

If you, yourself, require natural remedies for your pet, please click the following link. Alternatively, check out the next post entitled 'Natural Remedies' where I explain all about them... see also the link in the left-hand margin...

P.S. I have just received an e-mail from TheGoodLifeLetter. It is a free newsletter and one of my very favourites, if you click the above link you can sign up and see if you like it... I KNOW you will.

But, what this postscript is about is the contents of that newsletter and the link it contained...

Do check this out now - only valid to 30th April...

'There is a crisis in health freedom. On April 30, 2007 the FDA will close the public comment period on a "Guidance" which will classify every alternative practice as medicine so that only licensed physicians can carry out the procedure AND vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc., will suddenly become "untested drugs" which will be forbidden.

Bad? Real Bad! But public outcry can stop this assault on your health and your freedom.

Spread the word! Tell everyone in your Circle of Influence, professionals, alternative practitioners, nutrient and herb companies, everyone! Let them know how important their participation is to make sure the FDA backs off from this repressive course.

Please share this link with them and urge them to take action: http://tinyurl.com/2u7ghc

Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

Just one comment, in despair... How could this be even considered? [We know, all to well... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!] Alternative medicines have been around for thousands of years... it is these chemical and synthetic drugs which should be banned!

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Monday, April 16, 2007



The only updates today, and tomorrow, will be in... 'Doggy Blog Clips'... just click the link in our LINKS section in the left-hand margin. They are well worth checking out though!



Sunday, April 15, 2007


'The Daffodil Principle'

No, this hasn't really got anything to do with dogs [or Agility]... directly!

But it does bring back to mind when we first got our puppy, Shimba, in April one year a long time back.

We had a large enclosed back garden with clumps of daffodils - in the lawn mostly, although there were some in the beds and borders. As soon as he was let out into the garden he ran round at full speed biting the heads off all the daffodils... no chance of catching him, so we just had 'bald' stalks! [Just a good job he didn't try eating them.]

What this post is really about is 'The Daffodil Principle'... to find the blog post just Click Here. [The posting on the blog was dated Friday, April 13, 2007... and I know I feel extremely lucky to have read it!]

If you read below you will find the summary from the end of the post... but PLEASE don't miss the actual post, to read it is just such an uplifting experience.....

"There is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching.

Wishing you a beautiful, daffodil day!

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

If you want to brighten someone's day, pass this on to someone special. I just did! "

This is the link... Click Here NOW. [Remember the posting on blog was dated Friday, April 13, 2007.]

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Saturday, April 14, 2007



I have added a short post on Disabilities [both peoples and dogs] to Secrets of Dog Training... just click the link in the margin if you want to read it... the Doggy Blog Clips have been updated too.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007


Dog Training...

Just a 'heads up' to inform everyone in the UK that we have a new post on 'Doggy Blog Clips' about the new Animal Welfare Act which I mentioned a few days ago.

Non UK visitors to 'Doggy Blog Clips'- link in left-hand margin - will find plenty of other items of interest!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


The UnderDog Show... this weeks update

The following blog post about the Underdog Show has been added to all my 'doggy blogs' today... there is so much interest in rescue, and this show has been all good news for dogs in need of re-homing... so the details of the show are very heartening for dog lovers.

Although the dogs, some of which were hardly more than puppies, have, after only three weeks of training, become remarkably proficient and good - they have also demonstrated that it is easy to teach a willing animal Agility and Obedience... if you are a proficient trainer.

"Last nights show saw the number of dogs and celebrity handlers whittled down to four to compete in next weeks semi-final... and again the voting of the public to save Casper did not agree at all with the opinion of the judges.

But, part of the reason behind the show is to get the public to vote in order to donate some of the call cost to a charity... though in my opinion, and that of many other viewers, the belief is, that at least some of that charity donation should be to the Dogs Trust... or another animal welfare charity... so Clive Anderson and Alfred were eliminated.

And, happily, Alfred had already become firmly installed as part of Clive's family... so Alfred's tale [or tail!] had a 'happy ending'.

As of today you will find details of all the dogs who are, or have been, on the Underdog Show at the following web page... please just copy and paste the address into your browser... http://www.dogstrust.org.uk/press_office/underdogs/bbc2show/ ...
I don't know how long that web address will stay online, so I thought if you had full access to the entire address, should it be removed, you can try just part of the address and navigate to the information you require from the first part of the address!

There is a full profile of the dogs, or as full as they can get it... and details of their new lives... a rewarding read.

The show itself last night gave the dogs and handlers two different challenges... one an Agility, plus obedience and tricks type challenge, the other to put on a type of show or play, which involved the dogs in doing whatever tricks and behaviours which could be incorporated into the play, one even showed what flyball dogs have to do by opening a box.

Casper and Huey came well at the bottom in both disciplines... and Clive and Albert were joint second, but as mentioned above, it was Casper who went through.

The results show had a demonstration of freestyle, dancing to music - which is what the finalists will be expected to do - the dog was called Tapper and was handled by Gina Pink who really made my day by choosing "Ain't that a kick in the head" sung by Dean Martin to do the routine to!

Also featured this week were several Dogs Trust dogs who need a rescue home... they were promoted by the celebrity handlers.

So many sad stories in need of a happy ending!"

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Monday, April 9, 2007


NEW CLIPS on Agility and Flyball

Just to let my readers know that 'Doggy Blog Clips' has been updated today with some very interestings clips... just click on the link under the PetPlanet and Affordable Agility Equipment links on the left-hand side.

The fourth post down [as at April 9th] is "New Games in Town" and the 'source blog' link will take you to a post about Agility and Flyball.

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Saturday, April 7, 2007


Why DO dogs eat grass?

Do you want to know whether eating grass is good or bad for your dog, and do you want to know why your pet eats grass?

I found a fascinating article on the subject and posted the link to the full article on my Puppy Training Secrets blog.

[Besides the article on eating grass there are many useful articles on 'doggy health' so it's well worth a visit!]

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Friday, April 6, 2007


NEW... hints, tips, and amusing clips

Please, do check out our new collection of interesting, informative, and amusing clips... the address has been added to our 'LINKS' section in the left-hand margin. New items of interest are added on a daily basis!

Check it out at... Doggy Blog Clips

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Thursday, April 5, 2007


Animal Welfare Act, UK... an introduction

Topical news... as from 6th April, 2007 the new Animal Welfare Act comes into force in the UK.

It is welcomed by the RSPCA. And it appears to require more responsibility from animal owners... let us hope it does what it is supposed to do. It is a sad world which actually NEEDS acts like this... sometimes you could despair when you hear so many tales of cruelty.

I won't launch into my feelings about the judiciary and sentencing policies... that's a whole different blog! [Non-existent, otherwise I'm sure it would create a great deal of trouble.]

Back to the Animal Welfare Act... if you want to check the details of the act out and get further information... here are two addresses which point - they should, at least, keep one of them current - to DEFRA.

First the general introductory page at:
DEFRA - animals
then we have the page which currently has links to, and explains, the new Animal Welfare Act at:
DEFRA - Animal Welfare Act

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The following quote came from the 'Defenders' [you'll find their address at the bottom of the page] website. PLEASE, at least VISIT their website! You can help just by signing petitions online... like the one on Polar Bears.

"Help Save Cats & Dogs

Every day, unsung heroes around the world work to save the planet’s clouded leopards, jaguars, wolves and other endangered great cats and rare canines. Some bring emergency vaccinations to save the world’s last Ethiopian wolves from rabies outbreaks. Others teach Namibian farmers to live peacefully with Africa’s vanishing wild dogs. Some even brave Himalayan snows to protect rare and beautiful snow leopards from poachers’ guns.

Defenders of Wildlife is supporting a bill in Congress that would finally give these heroes the support they need -- but we’re going to need your help to get it passed.

Celebrate Earth Day by taking action for wild cats and canines around the world today! Tell Congress to act now!"

Learn More, Read More, and Discover More... at this address... Defenders Organization

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007



Just a short message with a couple of addresses for you to check out.

One includes... 'Doggy' news and information + alternative energy info, a collection of varied and useful information in the form of 'clips'. This is being updated on a regular basis with useful hints and tips.

The other is a blog on Pet Grooming. So if you are looking for info on pet grooming, from ANY angle... even starting your own grooming business... this is a good place to start your search.

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Monday, April 2, 2007


Why do dogs lick faces?

Learn to relate your dogs behaviour to the natural behaviour of puppies who lick about their mothers mouth to stimulate her to feed them. It is your dogs way of saying... 'you are in charge, feed me'. You will therefore only see this behaviour in puppies and in more submissive older dogs... not in dominant ones.

It isn't the most hygienic of habits to allow... so when your pet tries to do it, just move out of reach.

If your dogs tries to do it with children... you will have to make sure there is no food residue round the childrens faces... and, if appropriate, remove them from the reach of the dog.

Whether it is a sign of submission, or an interest in food... it is not to be encouraged in an Agility dog. Be sure to restrict this behaviour entirely and your dog will, hopefully, forget about doing it quite soon.

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Sunday, April 1, 2007


Dog, and Animal Rescue

Just a plea for everyone who reads this post to please click daily on the animal rescue site graphic, above!


Pretty, please.

Check out my other doggy blogs for details about rescued pets... there are many different posts on the subject!

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